Workshop: Targeting Lower Abdominal Weakness

Saturday, June 22ndAn Instructor’s Workshop! (NEW Reformer Exercises)

Hosted by: Martina Hauptmann, Physical Therapist, Pilates Instructor, Massage Therapist and Entrepreneur (Founder of Hooked on Pilates® and inventor of the patented Minimax and Handibands).

Frustrated that your clients are strong BUT they still have the dreaded low tummy pooch? Please sign up for this innovative workshop for Pilates instructors on targeted core exercises.

You will learn:
(1) How to use the reformer to target the muscular imbalance between the upper (strong) and lower abdominals (weak).

(2) Understand how to develop a dynamic core – which is reactive NOT rigid.

You are guaranteed to learn NEW exercises which will become staples in your practice for their effectiveness.  You will leave inspired and see the reformer and Pilates in a new and exciting light!

Cost: $50

Where: Axis Pilates

When: Saturday, June 22nd @12:30